Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Immortality here I come :)

Hmm seems like we're gonna live forever, ain't that cool or what...

I have always wanted to be immortal, looks like I'll just have to make it to the year 2029 :)

I wonder what's gonna cost such a treatment...

Well, here's the link:

What's your opinion? Live forever young or die as a 80-year old? Well, you can always jump off a bridge when you're 400 or so ;)


  1. i call bullshit. sorry, but this sounds spaced. and it is likely to be so criticized by religious groups that it will be shut down.

  2. living forever sounds awesome, but i guess we won't live till the day nobody dies.

  3. dont really want to live forever, just seems selfish to me :/

  4. I think the idea of living forever in youth would be sweet. But yeah if ive gotta live forever as an old man..naw too limiting

  5. hmm this looks awsome :D i would be pleased if they manage to do it by 2050 :D we might still be arownd

  6. Would living forever make your accomplishments seem less important?

  7. Everyone wants to live forever but when it becomes a reality, it just doesnt seem right.

    anyway this reminds me of the immortal jellyfish

  8. immortal is bad. really bad. you will allways stay the same and everything around you changes

  9. So long as I can kill myself as I see fit if I become immortal, I can't imagine hating it too much. We generally die before we get tired of living, it would be interesting to stay alive for a couple hundred years or so before that happened.

  10. I liked Interview with a vampire.

  11. yeah im sticking with the whole not wanting to live forever.

  12. Like Queen once sung:

    'Who wants to live forever?'

  13. we'll see.. we need interplanetary travel before you think you'll be getting this or OVERPOPULATIONZ

  14. i plan on dying of old age happy at waht ive accomplished in my life... lets hope things go according to plan

  15. i certainly dont want to live forever. We all have been given a certain time on this earth and i dont want to exceed my best before date.

  16. I would totally prefer to live forever.

  17. living forever would be horrible. i want to die as soon as I can no longer care for myself.

  18. the powers at be wont allow this. no way.

  19. well i hope that the government won't be too bitchy about it and will allow those that want prolong their lives to let them do so... i think it's all about choice, so you can choose if you want to do it or not, live for as long as you want :)

  20. That's some interesting info. At the same time, this earth is so full, people need to die in order to compensate.. unless we occupy Mars or whatever planet.

  21. I just got done with my GTL session this morning, and I was amused by your post

    keep up the solid work!

  22. living forever would be boring after some point tho.

  23. I want to live forever but never get old.

  24. @nick
    well i think they said it would be like prolonging your life for 1.5 years every year (so basically you wont die) but you can quit the treatment or jump of a bridge whenever you like :)
    that's at least how i understood it
    @The special one
    i think with this you wouldn't get old

  25. can be like lestat all up in this piece

  26. this is a good follow up post to the previous one

    I have a new post on GTL Everyday too :)

  27. thats a cool way of looking at it!

  28. lol i had to read it all the way through. good stuf!

  29. I've read this awhile ago...seems like a great blessing to do but at the same time a curse. Jeez I'd probably do it but after a couple hundred years I'd get tired of it lol.

  30. I share opinions with the very few saying we're already overpopulated on earth .. :P Heck, we even have a lot of homeless people now! But I guess it's not gonna come cheap, so we'd end up having only the most rich people living forever.. Which is a good thing I guess?? The most experienced leaders of the world could keep their experience in the "game" :)

    Interesting post.. Although I'm a bit curious as to if it's even at all possible to do.. We'll have to wait and see in 2029 I guess!

  31. I'm kinda split on a decision like this.
